"Now that Mercury is out of retrograde, your toxically-narrow-and-passively -racist-notions-of-sexuality phase is behind you, and you can date this guy!"
Read MoreThe 5 Virgos You’ll Date in Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical School

"Now that Mercury is out of retrograde, your toxically-narrow-and-passively -racist-notions-of-sexuality phase is behind you, and you can date this guy!"
Read More"I'm just trying to live my life, and y'all just keep fuckin'." says the roach.
Read MoreI know it’s hard for you, Sebastian.
Read MoreWe all know what sex is here at Nonsense Humor, and we know the best places to get it down with your significant other when you’re in a hurry. You know, when you don’t feel like walking literally not that far to an actual bed because you love cold dirty floors on your sweaty ass.
Read MoreWe’ve all been there: young, full of human organs and soul that make you irresistible to your standard supernatural creature...
Read MoreWe all know this step. Here at Nonsense, we make the sex many much. Often to each other—it is awkward. So trust us.
Read MoreSummer is the beautiful time in a young person’s life in which they experience a fiery rush in the loins, and a kiss on both big toes.
Read MoreFollow these ten simple steps and you too can earn a life of no homework and no worries.
Read MoreHere's a list of five guys you might have met on Tindr had Hofstra not decided that we were children incapable of choosing our own web content.
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